Who We Are

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Trusted and secure crypto exchange

Approximately 98 million verified users,  and 25+ ecosystem partners in over 100 countries trust Crypto 128 to easily and securely invest, spend, save, earn, and use crypto.

Customers around the world discover and begin their journeys with crypto through Crypto 128


Trusted and secure crypto exchange

We are building the cryptoeconomy – a more fair, accessible, efficient, and transparent financial system enabled by crypto.


Powerful features keeping you and your data safe and private


Crypto 128 enables the next step in the evolution of online trust by applying consent frameworks and codified rules of engagement to digital ecosystems.


Data leaks and hacks are now an almost daily occurrence. Shyft’s proactive security features are designed to detect and deter threats before the network is ever compromised through the bridge watcher system.


The Crypto 128 team is responsible for technical development of the network architecture, establishment of use cases for the network and for the 128 token, and guiding the vision for network growth and development.

2,500 +

Wallet Installs


Independent Nodes

Trusted by millions

Total 128 Supply


Partners Worldwide


Meet our friends and collaborators

Our strong partnerships and relationships across the world are what make Crypto 128 the global force for blockchain compliance it is today.

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